Hello all,
Here is build instructions for putting NUT on a Raspberry Pi.
Charles - Feel free to put this on your docs list.
# Do an rpi-update to prevent USB strangeness
#some dependencies from repo
sudo apt-get -y install m4 libtool libudev-dev automake
#fixing autoconf for later
sudo ln -s /usr/share/autoconf/Autom4te /usr/local/share/autoreconf/Autom4te
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/autom4te /usr/local/bin/autom4te
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/autoconf /usr/local/bin/autoconf
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/autoheader /usr/local/bin/autoheader
#installing nut dependencies
mkdir nut-depends
cd ./nut-depends
# acscripts from source
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/acscripts.berlios/files/acscripts-
tar xf acscripts-
sudo mkdir /usr/lib/scripts
sudo mv acscripts- /usr/lib/scripts/acscripts
#autoreconf from source
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/autoreconf/files/
tar xf autoreconf-
cd autoreconf-
./configure && sudo make install
cd ..
#libusb and libusb-compat from source
wget "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/libusb/libusb-1.0/libusb-1.0.18/libusb-1.0.18.tar.bz2?r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.libusb.org%2F&ts=1404210716&use_mirror=softlayer-ams"
-O libusb-1.0.18.tar.bz2
tar -xjf libusb-1.0.18.tar.bz2
cd libusb-1.0.18
./configure && sudo make install
cd ..
wget "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/libusb/libusb-compat-0.1/libusb-compat-0.1.4/libusb-compat-0.1.4.tar.bz2?r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.libusb.org%2F&ts=1404210428&use_mirror=softlayer-ams"
-O libusb-compat-0.1.4.tar.bz2
tar -xjf libusb-compat-0.1.4.tar.bz2
cd libusb-compat-0.1.4
./configure && sudo make install
cd ..
#get back to home root
cd ..
#download nut from dev repo
git clone git://github.com/networkupstools/nut.git
cd nut
echo "Running autogen ..."
#create some groups and directories and mod some persmissions
sudo groupadd nut
sudo usermod -a -G nut pi
sudo usermod -a -G nut root
sudo mkdir /var/run/nut
sudo chown root:nut /var/run/nut
sudo mkdir -p /var/state/ups
sudo chown root:nut /var/state/ups
sudo chmod 0770 /var/state/ups
#now we configure and make it (note that I built it for TrippLite,
make sure you change it to what you need!)
./configure --without-doc --with-drivers=tripplite_usb,upsdrvctl
#still tries to build docs, even though I said NO to docs
cp Makefile Makefile.orig
sed -i 's/include common clients conf data tools docs drivers/include
common clients conf data tools drivers/' Makefile
sudo make install
Steve Ballantyne
Network Engineer
MCSE/MCDST; Novell CLA; LPIC-1; CTT+; A+; Network+; Linux+; Server+;
I-Net+; Security+; SonicWALL CSSA
Post by Charles LeppleCharles: Since there is currently no user writeup for openSUSE in your list, maybe it would be useful to add this reference.
Roger, thanks for the reminder - I thought we had added that link a while ago. It's committed to Git now, but we need to untangle a few things before it will show up on the web server.
Charles Lepple
clepple at gmail
Nut-upsuser mailing list
Nut-upsuser at lists.alioth.debian.org